Linda Pendleton and Dr. James Martin Peebles

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Three Principles of Angelic Wisdom by Linda Pendleton

"Spirits are but men and women divested of their mortal
bodies. They have taken with them consciousness, memory,
reason, sympathy, character. They walk by our side often,
and yet unseen. There is but one world, and that one world
embraces the yesterdays, the todays, and the innumerable
tomorrows of eternity."
–Dr. James Martin Peebles, 1910

Dr. James Martin Peebles imparts wisdom, inspiration, and down-to-earth advice in clear and simple language, but his counseling perspective is somewhat unusual as for more than seventy-five years he has made his home on the other side. Through the mediumship of various persons over these years, Dr. Peebles has spread his spiritual psychology, all of which is based on three very powerful principles that can easily be applied to create a richer, more fulfilling life.

Those three principles are Loving Allowance, for all things to be, in their own time and place, beginning with yourself; Increased Communication with all of life everywhere, and with respect; and Self Responsibility, for we are always the creator, never the victim.  These three sound principles when used in tandem can have absolutely amazing results. Our lives can become much easier, relationships happier and more satisfying as we give up the tendency to consider ourselves victims and take control of our lives. In applying the three principles we can discover that love, understanding, and respect that we put out comes back to us.

In this book, Dr. Peebles gives us greater understanding of his three principles, along with deeper insight into the illusion of separation and fear of intimacy.

In a fascinating study of Dr. James Martin Peebles' terrestrial life, Linda shows the parallels between Dr. Peebles' life then and his life now in the world of spirit. Born in 1822 in Vermont, James became a teacher, a clergyman, and a medical doctor. He was active in anti-slavery, temperance, and women's suffrage movements; a member of the American Indian Peace Commission; a delegate to several international peace commissions; and was appointed by President Ulysses S. Grant to serve as Consul to Turkey in 1869.

Dr. Peebles was a prolific author, a world traveler and lecturer, a leader in the worldwide Spiritualist movement of the 19th Century and, himself, a medium. Throughout his life he was surrounded by what he called his "band of angels," and often received communication, inspiration, and guidance from them. His band of angels consisted of his deceased brother, Lorenzo Peebles; Madame Elizabeth, sister of Louis XVI of France, and known as Queen of Morn; John the Beloved; Aaron Knight; Hosea Ballou; Mozart; Chief Powhattan; to name only a few.

Dr. James Martin Peebles died in 1922 in Los Angeles, days short of his one hundredth birthday.

Like To Dance With Angels, this book is a definitive study of Man's spiritual nature and is filled with inspiration, angelic wit, wisdom and love. Dr. Peebles again shows what a grand spirit he is as he speaks candidly of relationships, intimacy, love, death, and cosmic realities. Linda also shares the experiences of others who have had contact with Dr. Peebles and his spiritual teachings. This new book is for anyone interested in spirit communication, the afterlife, spirit guides, reincarnation, and, more importantly, spiritual enrichment.

"Dr. Peebles and his infinite wisdom...all three principles are tremendously powerful." –Dr. Fred Bader, Ph.D., Psychotherapist, Thanatologist

"My first encounter with Dr. Peebles began in 1982...his effect on my psyche was electrical and thrilled me through and through. I fell in love with his wisdom, insight and humor and I simply wanted more." –Athena Demetrios, Medium and Channel

"This is a solid book of importance, historically and spiritually, generally and personally. Readers will discover the magic of Dr. Peebles even more enthralling after reading each passage, or the entire book, over and over, because each time we read it we understand much more." –E. Nora Amrani, Author, Metaphysician

The Spiritual Psychology of Dr. Peebles

The Three Principles

1. Loving Allowance for all things to be in their own time and place,
beginning with yourself.
2. Increased Communication with all of life everywhere and with respect.
3. Self Responsibility, for you are the eternal creator, never the victim.
–Dr. Peebles

Dr. Peebles’ spiritual psychology is composed of simple and basic truths which can be easily incorporated into one’s life. At times it can have a profound affect and be very significant to one’s personal journey. His teachings can be used in our everyday lives with ease and success.

For many, his teachings have been inspirational and life-changing. The mail that we have received from the readers of To Dance With Angels has overflowed with such stories. His spiritual philosophy is built on these three great principles, along with what he calls the illusion of separation and fear of intimacy.

In the words of Dr. Peebles, "Each of you have come to Earth for a specific reason. It is there on Earth, a classroom of learning, that you study the illusions of separation: separation from God, separation from others, separation from all of life, and separation from your very own soul. The lessons are not easy on the Earth school and many find it difficult to break through the illusion which exists in the mind and to discover that it is just that—an illusion."

In my book, Three Principles of Angelic Wisdom, Rx for Spiritual Enrichment, I asked Dr. Peebles about this illusion of separation and he replied: "It is a study of love. In order to understand that you carry with you only an illusion of separation, to reach that spiritual truth, you have to first allow yourself to love God and then to love yourself. Only then, when you are comfortable with the truth of that love, can you then reach out to life around you. Earth is a also a school of relationships, with yourself, with others and with all of life. But in order to understand those relationships you must understand that separation does not exist. It is only an illusion of the mind...Never are you alone, never are you unloved."

Excerpts from
Three Principles of Angelic Wisdom:
In the words of Dr. Peebles:
"It is such a paradox that since ancient time, man’s innate drive has been to achieve intimacy, yet, it is his greatest fear. In order to achieve intimacy, one has to release fear. One has to learn to appreciate the diversity, the differences, which are so much a part of life—whether it be a diversity of thought, likes or dislikes, or religious ideals, or social and cultural differences. In allowing those differences in another, whether it takes place within your own family, or within your community, your country, or the world, moves you one step closer to embracing true intimacy. In order to achieve intimacy, one only has to open their heart to receive the echo of another. When two or more are gathered—intimacy can take place. But it only takes one to understand. If you open yourself to intimacy, then no matter what the response or the echo that comes back to you, intimacy has been achieved."
–the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles, Three Principles of Angelic Wisdom

"Love has the power to squelch hate."
–the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles,
Three Principles of Angelic Wisdom

"Intolerance is based on fear. Nothing else."
–the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles,
Three Principles of Angelic Wisdom

"If one believes at the heart level, at the conscious level, that one is a spiritual being, then one believes there is no death. So why do you mourn for your loved ones? It is because of the illusion that they are no longer with you. Yes, they are not there in the physical sense, but their soul is very much with you, no matter where they reside."
–the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles, Three Principles of Angelic Wisdom

"If one believes that he alone creates his life, all his experiences, his thoughts, his actions—and reactions—and takes full responsibility for that, then he can never be a victim. Fear, resentment, anger and hate fall away like the petals of a daisy caught up in the wind."
–the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles, Three Principles of Angelic Wisdom

"As you welcome change, as the creator that you are, you have the ability to move with that change in whatever way you wish. If you deny it, you will have pain. You will feel victimized, helpless. But if you embrace it then you have the opportunity to have a creative dance with it. And in that creative dance you can mold it, fashion it, to your own liking. If you want it to be an opportunity for new experiences, so be it. If you want it to be adventurous, so be it. If you want it to be mysterious, so be it. And if you want it to be denied, so be it. It is your ballet slippers that move across the stage, it is your melody that is strummed on the musical instruments, and it is your audience who experiences your song and dance. You are the choreographer, the composer, the arranger, the director. It is your show and you decide how you want to present it. But might I suggest, dear friends, that you hold no expectations of how others will receive it—just present it with an open mind and loving heart. And present it with joy!" –the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles, Three Principles of Angelic Wisdom

More Wisdom

"Enflower the pathway of humanity with the beautiful in life;
plant gardens of love in unhappy bosoms."
—James Martin Peebles, 1869

"Life is a joy, especially as you surrender to the delightful
opportunities for growth, each and every day."
–the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles,
To Dance With Angels

"Guilt drives people to be deaf, dumb and blind to
their own drives, hopes and fears, and wants,
bias and prejudices therein."
–the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles,
To Dance With Angels

"It is the paradoxes of life that can be studied
to understand higher truth."
–the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles,
To Dance With Angels

"Full of trust, I consciously see God, the Divine Energy, everywhere—
pulsating in the growing corn, purpling in the vineyard,
blushing in the peach, smiling in the sunshine,
and awing us as we gaze into the infinite depths
filled with stars, circling suns, and systems of universes."
—James Martin Peebles,
Seers of the Ages, 1869

"If I know my own heart it beats in accord with the divine effort
to better humanity, and throbs in tenderest love
toward all races and the people of all lands."
—James Martin Peebles, 1880

"It is our joy to be with you and to learn with you.
For what is life, if not a sharing?—
and what is love, without growth?
To be with you is both our greatest recreation
and most powerful growth."
–the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles,
To Dance With Angels

"The angels love flowers–white roses and white lilies–
because they symbolize purity and holiness of life."
–James Martin Peebles, 1880

"There is no death; there is only change.
There is no failure; there is only growth."
–the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles,
To Dance With Angels

"You are the paintbrush. Life is the canvas.
Learn this, and you will never feel the victim again."
–the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles,
To Dance With Angels

"The clairvoyant and clairaudient have the physical and spiritual sense 
both open at the same time, enabling them to commune with men and spirits,
and to hear the music of earth and the music of the angels."
–James Martin Peebles, 1880

"The entire universe is a loving and living experience
of divine thought...a fabric that is intermeshed with all things."
–the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles,
To Dance With Angels

"Life is a pilgrimage; let us kindly help each other along the tiresome journey; for soon, perhaps, shall we put our sandals off, and lay our weary burdens down by the cypress-trees that shade Death’s peaceful river. And when that tremulous hour comes, as it must to each and all, precious will be the memories of kind words spoken, and the good that we have done."
–James Martin Peebles, 1880

"We, in the spirit world, rejoice when we are able to give guidance. We are always available to assist you on your journey, to present a point of view which may enable you to see more clearly, to reassure you that you are not alone, especially at your darkest moments. All you have to do is call upon us, the angels, the messengers, whose pleasure it is to convey to you the love of God. For myself, Dr. Peebles, it is my greatest joy and pleasure to commune with you. I present to you the wisdom and often, the humor, which in some way, may make your journey to the heart and soul a little easier, a little lighter. It is an honor for me to be joined by the others on this side, and to be able to bring forward to each of you our spiritual psychology. Embrace the principles and you will embrace love. Embrace love and you will know God. Know God and you will know All."
–the grand spirit, Dr. Peebles, Three Principles of Angelic Wisdom by Linda Pendleton

Copyright 2012 by Linda Pendleton, all rights reserved.

Available at Amazon in Print and Kindle. 

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